3D Asset of K9-Collar
>Textured: with Normalmaps, all in 4k
>Polygon-Count: 7k
Contains bones for Dynamic-Bones /Physic-bones
If you buy this product you can only use this for personal use unless you purchase the commercial version.
Includes no sharing, no reselling the files/content in any way shape or form.
No putting it up for Nitroboost either.
!! It's not allowed to use this 3D-Asset on a For Sale Avatar. Only if you buy the Commercial Use gives you the permission to use it on For-Sale models.
You are free to show off anything you make using my product but make sure to credit me for what I made.
If you have any questions about the Agreement you can contact me at maxsama011@gmail.com, MΛX#8070, https://discord.gg/6dFRMNK.
1 FBX+ full Texture-Set